Year: 2023

Implementing Sustainable Farming Techniques: A Practical Guide

Introduction:Transitioning to sustainable farming techniques can seem daunting for many farmers. However, with the right knowledge and practical guidance, the adoption of environmentally friendly practices becomes more achievable. This blog…

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The Benefits of Organic Farming: A Sustainable Approach to Agriculture

Introduction:In today’s world, the demand for organic food is increasing as consumers become more conscious about the environment and their health. Organic farming is an essential component of sustainable agriculture…

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Integrated Farming System modules

Climate vulnerabilityDrought, floodExisting practiceIn areas prone to floods and extreme weather events such as frost/ cold stress in addition to water scarcity, monocropping is generally practiced. In these vulnerable areas,…

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Virtual realty farm tour expends Access to Urban farming – Agritourism

AGRI TOURISMCONCEPTAgritourism also has the potential to help revitalize rural economies, educate the public about agriculture, and preserve agricultural heritage. In addition, community-focused farms may find agritourism an attractive option…

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Soilless Cultivation {Future Farming}

INRODUCTIONSoilless culture can increase not only yield but also quality and safety of fresh produce and thus meet the demands of modern society. Soilless cultivation generally refers to any method…

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Future of food production in indoor farming

FUTURE OF FOOD PRODUCTION IN INDOOR FARMINGCONCEPT:The simplest possible explanation is that indoor farming is farming done inside of a building. It does not require large equipment like tractors or…

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Carbon Neutral Plan {Go Green}

CARBON NEUTRAL PLAN :-Carbon neutrality is a state of net zero carbon dioxide emissions. This can be achieved by balancing emissions of carbon dioxide by eliminating emissions from society (the…

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Paddy Stem Borer {Crop Insects}

PADDY STEM BORER Scientific Name – Scirpophaga incertulasSYMPTOMS OF DAMAGE :-Presence of brown coloured egg mass near the leaf tip.In vegetative stage larva enters the stem and feeds on the…

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A Quick Lesson On Soil Erosion And Conservation

A QUICK LESSON ON SOIL EROSION AND CONSERVATION:WHAT IS SOIL EROSION It is a process in which the top fertile layer of soil is lost. Due to soil erosion, the…

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Wheat: Disease and Their Controls {Crop Disease}

WHEAT – LOOSE SMUT: DISEASE SYMPTOMS It is a seed borne disease; infection occurs during Loose Smut flowering through wind-borne spores.The infection remains dormant inside the otherwise healthy looking seed…

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