Category: Disease

Nematodes Disease of Plants  

      PATHOGEN: -Pratylenchus species Nematode is a widely recognized group of a distinct phylum Nematoda or Nemata under superphylum Ecdysozoa (all moulting animal group). HOSTS:   Over 400 host…

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Die-back and Anthracnose (fruit rot)

PATHOGEN: Colletotrichum sppDisease symptoms:Small, circular to irregular, brownish black scattered spots appear on leavesSeverely infected leaves defoliateInfection of growing tips leads to necrosis of branches from tip backwardsNecrotic tissues appear grayish white…

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Early blight of potato and tomato

PATHOGEN: Alternaria solaniDisease symptoms:Symptoms of early blight occur on fruit, stem and foliage of tomatoes and stem, foliage and tubers of potatoes.  Initial symptoms on leaves appear as small 1-2 mm…

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Late blight: – Potato and Tomato’s

Late blight disease is caused by bacteria in plantsLate blight is caused by the fungal-like oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans. The primary host is potato, but also can infect other solanaceous…

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Bacterial wilt -Tomato, Capsicum, Tobacco Potato, Brinjal & Cucurbits etc.

Disease symptoms:Bacterial wilt is a disease of the vascular tissue. When a plant is infected, E. tracheiphila multiplies within the xylem, eventually causing mechanical blockage of the water transport system.…

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